Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Um, ok, not running lately. :(

Anyway, I have a few 'isms about Ronin:

Ronin: You look for monsters, I look for all the spiders. OK?

Daddy: Ronin, you're impossible!
Ronin: I'm not impossible. I'm handsome!

Ronin is talking up a storm. The biggest problem is that he has returned to being SUPER WHINY. I cannot stand it. I'm trying to teach him to use his words, of course, but his whining is grating on my nerves so much that I have to use earplugs in the morning, to keep the din low and to keep from reaching that yelling stage. He does say some interesting things, however. At Jenna, Nikko's ABA therapist, Ronin said, "I went to Mom's house and saw Jesus! Jesus is The King and he has a crown!" I cracked up so hard when he declared that! I had to stop and tell Jenna that Ronin calls my parents Mom and Dad (I am Mommy, Denis is Daddy), and since they are strict Catholics they have a bigger than life-sized image of the baby Jesus as a child, called the Santo Nino. It's dressed ornately, and it wears a crown. SO, that's why he says Jesus is The King. Get it? ;)